
How To Make 3d Animals Out Of Cardboard

DIY Cardboard Animal Craft

We've partnered with Babysits (Australia's babysitting community) to bring y'all this fun and artistic recycled paper-thin animals craft that will be sure to keep the kids entertained for a few hours.

There's no demand to pop to the shops for any extras; everything you'll need for this craft you lot tin can notice at domicile.

Materials needed:

  • Acrylic pigment (crayons or textas could also practise the pull a fast one on!)
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

To get started, you'll first desire to loosely draw animals onto a piece of cardboard. There's no need to exist too picky hither, but if your kids are younger information technology could be useful to draw the outlines for them and and so accept them colour the animals in once you lot've cutting them out.

In one case you're happy with your brute outlines, you tin go ahead and cut them out. To create a 3D effect and to keep the animals upright, we created 'U'-shaped legs that could exist inserted into slits cut into the body shapes.

Get painting! We used acrylic pigment, just crayons or textas could do the play a joke on also if you'd like to avoid the mess.

And now for the finishing touches! We used a thin-bristled brush to add together the details to our cardboard animals and bring them to life. Kids can enjoy using their boundless creativity to add together details to their animals. They might want to create their own blazon of imaginary fauna! A blue alien elephant, perhaps?

Your kids will no doubt take a neat time creating their ain animals, and ameliorate yet, you'll find a utilize for some of the cardboard you might have laying effectually the firm!

Did you bask this craft? For more great DIY ideas, take a look at more than of Babysits' crafts for kids.


things to do in Adelaide for families

For more data and all enquiries please visit the Babysits website

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Paradigm Source: supplied


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